## About This is Light weight mail notifier written in PyQt5. It checks your mailbox periodically and notify you if you have new mail. ## Screenshots ### Version 3.0 ![MailboxEmpty](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/no_unread_mails-3.0.jpg) ![MailboxFull](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/unread_mails-3.0.jpg) ![Details](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/details-3.0.jpg) ### Version 1.0 ![MailboxEmpty](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/screen1.jpg) ![MailboxFull](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/screen2.jpg) ![Settings](https://raw.github.com/rinaldus/mail-notifier/master/screenshots/screen3.jpg) ## System requirements - Python 3 - PyQt5 - *(after version 3.01)* [notify2](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/notify2) library ## Install Just clone this git repository or download release and copy all files where you want to store this program. No additional installation is required. *In version 0.10 you also need to edit mail-notifier.py and fill your mailbox credentials in 70-72 rows* ## Launch Give execute permission to mail-notifier.py ```sh $ chmod +x mail-notifier.py ``` ## Changelog ### Version 3.01 (release date: 10.10.17) * Added status bar in Details window * Details window now remembers its size * Some cosmetic improvements in menu ### Version 3.0 (release date: 26.07.16) * System tray icon displays count of unread mail directly on itself * Popup notification behaviour was changed: now popup notification appears only if the number of unread emails has changed since last mail check * Now you can view a short information about unread emails by click on system tray icon or choose "Details" from system tray menu ### Version 2.0 (release date: 23.03.16) * **Important! Users of Mail Notifier 1.x have to delete old configuration file located in ~/.config/mail-notifier/settings.conf before first launch of new version** * New "About" window * Added license (BSD 3-Clause) ### Version 2.0-beta1 (release date: 10.02.16) * **Important! The configuration structure was changed. Users of Mail Notifier 1.x have to delete old configuration file located in ~/.config/mail-notifier/settings.conf before first launch of new version** * Multi account support. Now the program is able to check new mails in several mailboxes. You will get the total quantity of new mails from all mailboxes in system tray ### Version 1.02 (release date: 26.01.16) * Rewrote periodical mail check function and fixed bug in OS X ### Version 1.01 (release date: 25.01.16) * New icon, that shows if you have connection problems * Fixed bug when system tray icon sometimes didn't appear after DE start ### Version 1.0 (release date: 01.11.15) * Settings window * All parameters are stored in configuration file *(~/.config/mail-notifier/settings.conf)* * Many improvements ### Version 0.10 (pre release date: 28.10.15) * Initial version * All parameters are stored right in script